2015년 10월 18일 일요일

For midterm test

Put in a Trap-Neuter-Return program to street cat.

These days we hear more frequently about people going to court due to conflicts over street cats.

Recently, there is an accident related to street cat. While the cat mom was found to have been killed for reasons having nothing to do with stray cats, her death nevertheless highlighted the escalating tension between cat moms and residents.

A cat mom refers to a person who provides food to stray cats. They say there is nothing wrong with looking after alley cats. They even argue that feeding them contributes to keeping the neighborhood clean, as no trash bags would be dug into by hungry cats. But it is also problematic to let them proliferate without taking action.
Seoul alone is believed to have more than 250,000 street cats.

I think that the most effective method to stabilize stray cat populations is known to be the Trap-Neuter-Return program, which involves humanely trapping stray cats and having them spayed or neutered before returning them to their outdoor home.

The Seoul Metropolitan Government launched a TNR program in 2008, leaving its implementation to the 25 ward offices. The Gangdong District ward office has been operating the TNR program successfully. The office set up community cat feeding stations as part of the program and managed to stabilize the feline population in the district.

The problem with feeding stations is that it takes money to operate them. Neutering also costs more than 100,000 won ($88) per cat. This is one reason other ward offices have difficulty maintaining the TNR program. But if conflicts over stray cats worsen, it would be worth the expense.

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